iyonya Organic Liquid Fertilizer 1Lt


This product is a 100% plant-derived organic fertilizer produced with IONIAN organic fertilizer license.

The material used in the content of IONIAN organic fertilizer is all of vegetable origin. Physical methods were used at all production stages and no chemical methods were used. All the elements needed by the plant and the soil, including the trace elements contained in the plant, are present in the IONIC ORGONIC FERTILIZER.

This product has been prepared taking into account the problems and requests of our manufacturers in general.

1-SALTING: Thanks to IONIAN organic fertilizer, the salts accumulated in the soil, the chemical poisons left over from the past years, their structures deteriorate within a short period of time and turn into organic materials, and thus the roots of the plant can be assimilated.

2-EARLINESS: At least 10 to 20 days of earliness can be seen in all product groups.

3-ROOT STRUCTURE: Thanks to an even more developed root structure, the plant's nutrient collection area expands. In addition, because it increases osmosis pressure, the tree's old age or problems with its vessels pass in the following years.

4-Your need for trace elements will be minimized With the ION pH regulation feature, which allows you to get micro and macro (N/P/K) elements that cannot be removed from the soil. Fr, ca, Mg, mn, cu, mo,b, s are present in the content of our fertilizer.

5-When the IONIAN was used 1 year ago, there will be a 30% increase in the average number of flowers and a 90% increase in the number of flowers at the lowest level. In parallel, the pace of development will increase.
For an area of 1000 m2 in the December of 30-45 days before harvesting; If at least 1 liter (from the leaf) and at least ½ liter are used, you can increase the fruit size by at least 30%.

6-When applied 30-45 days before harvest, the poison residues (fungicides or insecticides) on the fruit are completely destroyed within 7-14. Even in the analysis, no residue can be found above the permissible values. Thus, the risk of our product returning through customs gates is minimized.

7-Even if conventional agriculture is being carried out; all the formations found in the IONIAN soil (poison left over from past years, chemical waste, insoluble organic materials, etc.s...) it turns it into a state that the plant can assimilate by dissolving it or changing its structure thanks to developing microorganisms. As a result, even if chemicals are used; according to other manufacturers, the organicity of the product will increase significantly. HOWEVER; the product will never be equal to that obtained from organic farming. IONIAN has achieved very serious successes in good agricultural practices.

8-The ratio of sugar-protein-fat-dry matter in the harvested products has increased.

9-The shelf life of the harvested fresh fruit or vegetable has been extended by an average of 5-10 days.

10-Serious Illness In areas with high pH and salinity; we strongly recommend that the dose rate applied per decare be increased to +1 liter. Because our fertilizer will spend some of its power on disease-causing formations or regulating pH, solving salting, the main effect may be seen later.To prevent this, we recommend that an extra dose of 1 liter be administered.However, we never recommend our fertilizer as a chemical or organic drug.The formation of this effect; The strengthened plant structure and soil structure solve themselves by natural methods.!!!

11-If the organicity ratio is below 2 in places where the thoracal assay is performed, it is appropriate to increase the recommended dose by another 50% or apply an extra +1 liter for 1 year.

12- pH is permanently stabilized. In soils with an excessively high or low pH, the absorption of nutrients cannot occur sufficiently. A pH balance should definitely be established on these soils. It permanently establishes the IONIC pH balance and ensures the absorption of nutrients from the soil, which the roots need very conveniently. The water permeability of the soil increases, the problem of soil lock-cut disappears.Cracks in the soil are rarely observed in dry years.The effect of thawing the soil can be observed after at least 4 becomes noticeable on the moon.

General warning! Microorganisms and enzymes are immobile in the form of IONIC organic fertilizer in packaging. In order for enzymes and microorganisms to move, 1 liter of IONS should be mixed with at least 200 liters of water. Never apply to completely dry soil.It should be noted that the soil must first be annealed or the soil must be watered before applying fertilizer. Care should be taken to ensure that IONIAN applications are always made towards the end of watering. The ion can be mixed with all chemical plant nutrition products and given together.

Apple fig apricot peach kiwi citrus pear plum quince peanut tree almond walnut olive
(1 liter of IONIA is suitable for 30-40 trees)
Within 60 days after harvesting, 1 liter of ION is applied to the crown of the tree from the soil with at least 200 liters of water before the tree goes to sleep.
Before flowering, 1 liter of IONIA is applied to the projection of a tree branch from the soil again with at least 200 liters of water.

After fruit treatment, it is applied to 1/2 liter of IONIA by spraying it from the leaf with at least 1000 liters of water.During this application, fertilized water, including tree branches and trunk, should be applied to the entire tree.If the water is more than 200 liters (1 liter of IONIA can be diluted up to 1000 liters.)there's nothing wrong.

important note
1-In areas where drip and sprinkler irrigation is carried out, the application of IONS should be carried out in moist soil at the end of irrigation.
2-Npk+trace element supplementation is absolutely essential for conventional agriculture.
3-Fungicide and insecticide can be mixed with poisons and applied together.

Tomatoes cucumbers eggplant peppers strawberries etc.
It is very important to apply IONIA together with can juice from the moment of planting seedlings.1 liter of ION is mixed with 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 1000 m2 from the root zone together with the life water.

By the end of the season, the recommended dose is recommended to be applied to 1-2 liters of IONIA per month for an area of 1000 m2.
This dose is administered every month.For better results, it is recommended to evenly divide the recommended monthly dose into periods of 7-10 days.
NOTE:Chemical nutrition npk+trace element should continue to be given in the program determined in absolute terms.(conventional agriculture)
When the flower casting is insufficient, it should be sprayed with at least 200 liters of water per 1 liter of ION so that the leaves and the stem of the plant are also wetted with at least 200 liters of water.

From the moment of planting seedlings or seeds, 1 liter of IONIA is applied to an area of 3000 m2 with at least 200 liters of water from the root zone while the soil is annealed.Do not apply to absolutely dry soil.Starting from the arm pulse period, 1 liter of ION is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2 from the root zone.After fruit treatment, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied from the leaf to an area of 3000 m2.

From the moment of planting seeds and seedlings, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2 while the soil is annealed.After at least 4 leaves have formed on the plant, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2.2.3. 20-30 days after application.the application is applied to an area of 3000 m2 by mixing 1 liter of ION with at least 200 liters of water.

important note
1-In areas where drip and sprinkler irrigation is carried out, the application of IONS should be carried out in moist soil at the end of irrigation.
2-Npk+trace element supplementation is absolutely essential for conventional agriculture.
3-Fungicide and insecticide can be mixed with poisons and applied together.

Within 60 days after the end of harvesting, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to the root zone of the plant from the soil to an area of 1000 m2.After fruit treatment, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied by spraying from the leaf to the trunk and leaf branches of the plant on an area of 2000 m2.

Before the velvet period of the hazelnut, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied from the soil so that it reaches the crown projection of the January on average about 40-50.When the hazelnut inner grains reach the size of lentils, they are mixed with at least 200 liters of water for 1 liter of IONS and sprayed so that they reach the branches-stems-leaves and fruits of the hazelnut. (January 40-50)When the milk begins to fill in the nuts, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and sprayed onto the branches, trunk, leaves and fruit of the nut. Npk supplementation should be applied in absolute terms.

From the beginning of the season, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to the root zone regularly to newly planted or remaining trees from previous years every month.It should be applied regularly, mixing at least 200 liters of water per liter of ION per month until the end of harvesting. Npk supplementation should be done strictly.the 1-year dose of IONIAN administration is recommended to be 7-8 liters.

Within 60 days after the end of harvesting, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2 from the root zone.From the beginning of the season, 1 liter of IONIA with new buds is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied by spraying on an area of 3000 m2 so that it reaches the root-branch-leaves.After each cut, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2.

The application table for products grown as feeders in animal husbandry is as follows.From the moment of planting seeds, 1 liter of IONIA is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2 while the soil is annealed. After each form of product, 1 liter of ION is mixed with at least 200 liters of water and applied to an area of 3000 m2.

Potatoes,Sugar Beets,Celery,Carrots,Radishes,Turnips,Yams